Saturday, January 1, 2011

Periodontal flap surgery- what is it?

Periodontal flap surgery is a procedure where the gums are elevated, such that the underlying bone is exposed. After this is done, either the bone is recontoured, or regeneration with a bone graft can be carried out.

The alternative to flap surgery, which might be applicable in some situations, is a localized placement of a sustained release antibiotic.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Periodontal flap surgery and dental implants- the fundamentals

Periodontal disease is the progressive loss of bone around teeth. If left untreated, periodontal disease can lead to tooth loss. Periodontal flap surgery is one of the many options available for periodontal treatment if the initial therapy (called scaling and root planing) does not resolve the problem.

Dental implants are provided as a treatment option for situations where the teeth have already been lost. They consist of a titanium screw (which is placed easily into the bone), and a crown which is then placed over it. The final result is a almost- natural looking and functioning tooth.